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Investing in bond ladder ETFs

Investing in bond ladder ETFs


There are various options available to investors. Investing in bond ladder ETFs has become increasingly popular in recent years.

What are bond ladder ETFs?

Bond ladder ETFs are investment vehicles that hold a portfolio of bonds with staggered maturity dates. It allows investors to have regular cash flows from their investment as the bonds in the portfolio mature.

Why invest in bond ladder ETFs?

Investors may want to consider investing in bond ladder ETFs for many reasons. Perhaps the biggest reason is that they provide stability and regular income streams. Because the bonds in the portfolio have staggered maturity dates, investors won’t be faced with all their money being invested in a single bond and, as such, will be less susceptible to having their investment affected by interest rate movements.


Another reason to consider investing in bond ladder ETFs is diversification. By holding a portfolio of bonds with different maturity dates, investors can spread their risk across several issuers and reduce the impact of any issuer default on their investment.

How do bond ladder ETFs work?

When you invest in a bond ladder ETF, your money is pooled with other investors and used to buy a portfolio of bonds with staggered maturity dates. As each bond in the portfolio matures, the ETF manager will use the proceeds to purchase a new bond with a staggered maturity date. This process continues until the last bond matures.


The result is that each time a bond matures, investors are paid their interest and return of capital. And because they’re reinvesting these proceeds back into the portfolio, there’s no disruption in cash flow. They also have the option of rolling their money over to take advantage of higher rates or reinvesting it in one-year term deposits if rates are expected to fall.

Taxation consequences for investing in bond ladder ETFs?

Most people will be able to earn interest on investments without having to pay income taxes on this income unless you’re using the investment as part of your business (so you can claim deductions against other income levels). When you invest in a bond ladder ETF, the interest earned on the underlying bonds will be passed through to you as the investor, and you will need to declare this income on your tax return.


However, suppose you’re in the top marginal tax bracket. In that case, you may be better off investing in corporate bonds directly rather than through a bond ladder ETF. Mainly because corporate bonds offer slightly higher interest rates than government bonds (which are the types of bonds typically held by bond ladder ETFs).

What are the risks?

There are risks associated with investing in bond ladder ETFs like any investment. Perhaps the most significant risk is that if interest rates rise, the value of the ETF may fall. This is because when interest rates go up, older bonds tend to become less desirable, and, as a result, their prices drop.


Another risk is that the issuer of a bond in the portfolio may default. If this happens, the value of the ETF will likely fall. However, by diversifying across several issuers, the impact of any one default should be limited.


So, if you’re looking for a stable and tax-effective way to invest your money, bond ladder ETFs could be a good option for you.

Bottom line

Investing in bond ladder ETFs can provide stability and regular income streams while also offering diversification. By holding a portfolio of bonds with staggered maturity dates, investors can spread their risk across several issuers and reduce the impact that any one issuer default may have on their investment. And because they’re reinvesting these proceeds back into the portfolio, there’s no disruption in cash flow. Most people will earn interest on investments without paying income taxes on this income unless you’re using the investment as part of your business.